2009年2月27日 星期五

Anteprima X Hello Kitty

Anteprima X Hello Kitty !!!

Hello Kitty and Miss Izumi Ogino (the designer of Anteprima).


Very cute 3-D Hello Kitty bag



幾經考慮,終於選了金色的clutch (上圖)。但店內的nice售貨員阿fa稱此貨早已售罄,要full pay 待約三月貨到後取......唯有耐心等候了。

除了選購入Hello Kitty clutch 外,無端端在店內四幌,竟遇見這典雅又少女的項鍊!

還可以分拆成長頸鍊 + 手鍊呢!

2009年2月24日 星期二


"菩提本無樹 明鏡亦非台
本來無一物 何處惹塵埃 "



"身是菩提樹 心如明鏡台
時時勤拂拭 免使惹塵埃"



2009年2月22日 星期日

Nice top from Tsumori Chisato...


print 跟剛購入的麻質圍巾是一樣的。

Tsumori Chisato 2009 new scarf...


顏色非常柔和。圍巾上的print更是2009春季的Tsumori san手繪畫......捨她其誰?!

2009年2月12日 星期四

Movie - Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

One of the lastest movies I saw was "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea"崖上的波兒.
編劇:宮崎 駿
導演:宮崎 駿

The story is simple but touching...my little niece (she's 8 years old) even described it as "the best movie that I've ever seen".

The ending is still a happy ending but things in the real world happen are much more difficult to solve...

As we're getting older and older, life seems to be more and more complicated and the relationships between people around us can be disappointing. But we have to live with faith or life would be meaningless...

Wedding expo Feb. 2009

Have to work for the wedding expo which will start tomorrow (from 13/2 to 14/2)...3 days consecutively.
I'm not sure how it will be...lots of people? busy? crowded? Or...
Hope it will be a success.

2009年2月9日 星期一

CNY gathering

Did not see Flora and Ivy for a long time since Christmas...

We all felt the pressure from economic recession. But what can we do? Seems that we're all in a very passive positions. Maybe all we can is try to stay cool and whistle in the dark.

Flora helped to buy a set of Sekkisei for me. It's really good and I've been using it for more than 5 years!

Simply is one of my favourites!

2009年2月5日 星期四

New year gathering

Going to have a gathering with my friends, Flora and Ivy this evening. It's supposed to be a gathering for the Year of the OX.
I booked the place, Pizza Express at Central. Tried it once and found its pizza's so GREAT. It's probably the best pizza I tried so far.
Went to Tokyo and will bring the souvenirs I bought for both of them...and also red pockets for Ivy and Flora's 2 kids.
Flora's just returned from her trip from Tokyo...what souvenir will she bring me?