2009年2月12日 星期四

Movie - Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

One of the lastest movies I saw was "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea"崖上的波兒.
編劇:宮崎 駿
導演:宮崎 駿

The story is simple but touching...my little niece (she's 8 years old) even described it as "the best movie that I've ever seen".

The ending is still a happy ending but things in the real world happen are much more difficult to solve...

As we're getting older and older, life seems to be more and more complicated and the relationships between people around us can be disappointing. But we have to live with faith or life would be meaningless...

2 則留言:

  1. 妳覺唔覺得波兒媽媽,好似TC既公仔? haha

  2. siilyshopgirl,

