一直覺得 "吃" 是人生中一大快事。小時讀過一篇Nixon Waterman的英文詩歌 "If we didn't have to eat",當中指 "吃" 佔去了人生很多......
Life would be an easy matter
If we didn't have to eat.
If we never had to utter,
"Won't you pass the bread and butter,
Likewise push along that platter
Full of meat?"
Yes, if food were obsolete
Life would be a jolly treat,
If we didn't--shine or shower,
Old or young, 'bout every hour--
Have to eat, eat, eat, eat, eat--
'Twould be jolly if we didn't have to eat.
We could save a lot of money
If we didn't have to eat.
Could we cease our busy buying,
Baking, broiling, brewing, frying,
Life would then be oh, so sunny
And complete;
And we wouldn't fear to greet
Every grocer in the street
If we didn't--man and woman,
Every hungry, helpless human--
Have to eat, eat, eat, eat, eat--
We'd save money if we didn't have to eat.
All our worry would be over
If we didn't have to eat.
Would the butcher, baker, grocer
Get our hard-earned dollars? No, Sir!
We would then be right in clover
Cool and sweet.
Want and hunger we could cheat,
And we'd get there with both feet,
If we didn't--poor or wealthy,
Halt or nimble, sick or healthy--
Have to eat, eat, eat, eat, eat,
We could get there if we didn't have to eat.
推斷作者大概並不十分欣賞 "吃" 罷?!
也許不用 "吃" 的人生能為我們減少很多金錢的支出,也可減少很多用來吃飯的時間;但同時也自然失去了 "吃" 能帶來的歡愉和感動......
細心地想:"吃" 固然給我味覺上的享受與滿足,但是,我更享受的是 - 與友人們同行會聚時天南地北的時光。一頓快樂的餐聚於己而言, "人物" 是主, "美食" 是副......